Welcome. You’re entering sacred space for the remembrance of your innate wisdom and goodness; I invite you to savor a full, deep breath as you open to new possibilities for thriving. As tender, relational beings, consistent connection and care with a trusted companion is often what is most valuable on the dynamic journey of being human. Blending the wisdom of alchemical and yogic traditions with relational neuroscience and trauma-sensitive somatic practices, I offer consciousness coaching and transformational development support to help you embody your soul’s greatest potential.

I provide safe space for you to more deeply love yourself and more fully enjoy life. As much of our challenge comes from a perceived sense of separation, I work from a model of wholeness, where we come into compassionate presence with all of who we are as a gateway for empowerment and transformation. Through exploring the narratives that have shaped your personal story and the experiences alive in your awareness, together we will create a holistic pathway of support for increased wellness in all areas of life. Using an integrative approach that honors your unique ecosystem, we will uncover what’s longing to be cultivated in you through nurturing a sense of deep, internal connection that allows you to direct your creative energy with enhanced power and embodied grace.

My companionships are centered in warmth and inclusivity and focus on direct, compassionate communication and transparency for supporting an optimal evolutionary experience. I blend vibrational embodiment medicine with Ayurvedic and Buddhist psychology, Hakomi psychotherapy, and somatic mindfulness to enhance wellbeing and activate new potentials. This therapeutic weaving allows us to integrate the psychological and emotional energetics, as well as the constitutional and environmental influences in your world, to create a map for a lifetime of thriving on your soul’s journey.

Ready to explore the possibilities? Let’s Connect!

  • Tranformational development

    During this time of radical awakening, we are being called to embody our soul's greatest potential. Together we will cultivate an inspired and nurturing program of support for your unique evolutionary journey designed to uplift and enliven you in every way.

  • Soul Ecology

    Our lives are sacred gardens of fertility, and conscious care of all aspects of our being allows us to realize true wellness. Together we will create a path of spiritual, emotional and physiological nourishment for your unique ecosystem designed to enhance your wellbeing on every level.

  • Creative Manifestation

    We are infinite in our creative potential and now is the time to bring our dreams into fruition. What is longing to emerge through you and take shape in the world? Together, we will create a clear and focused structure of support to guide you in the brilliant manifestation of your vision.